TurboGears 2.1 Standard Installation

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages -p python2.6 tg2env
$ cd tg2env/
$ source bin/activate
(tg2env)$ easy_install -i http://www.turbogears.org/2.1/downloads/current/index tg.devtools
(tg2env)$ paster quickstart example
(tg2env)$ cd example/
(tg2env)$ python setup.py develop
(tg2env)$ nosetests
(tg2env)$ paster setup-app development.ini
(tg2env)$ paster serve development.ini
(tg2env)$ deactivate

Upgrading TurboGears

easy_install -U -i http://www.turbogears.org/2.1/downloads/current/index tg.devtools


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