
Showing posts from June, 2019

Positive stories about back surgery

Positive stories back surgery. Not many of these types of stories in the

Day 9: No pain meds

2019-06-19 Day 9 without pain meds Woke up with pain. That usually makes for a very long day. No motivation to get out of bed.  I cannot say Iā€™d like consistency. Like consistent pain! But really frustrating waking up not knowing what level of pain I will have to deal with that day. Another trip to the hospital and 45min in the car and the pain was worse. 45min trip home and I had to spend time on legs up on the exercise ball and back on the floor. Attended a soccer game and spent the entire game pacing the sideline. 90 minutes of walking help pain management a lot. I have talked to several people and each had a different method for pain management. Walking help me the most. Followed by McKenzie Protocol  and Wall Slides . Night time brought very strong tingling in my right big toe and right index toe and complete numbness on the middle toe. Maybe the posts on reddit  in r/backpain and r/ChronicPain  hold more truth then I thought! šŸ¤” ...

Day 8: No pain meds

2019-06-18 Day 8 without pain meds In the morning things were ok. Couple hours into working and back start to hurt. Had to drive for almost 90min to get to the hospital and and then (mostly) sit for a 90min educational class. I left the hospital and things did not feel very good. Took about 45min to get home so that additional drive time made things worse. Spent time with my leg up on the exercise ball, back flat on the floor, and got some relief from the nerve pain. Index toe very numb tonight. RenCat  sent me a pretty good write up on the procedure I am about to under go and I found some positive ā€œback surgeryā€ stories. Iā€™ll post those later.

Day 7: No pain meds

2019-06-17 Day 7 without pain meds Day started with my back feel ok. Tingling in the right big toe. Index toe a little numb. Foot felt ok. Day ended with nerve pain in my back, tingling in my big toe and  index toe. Top of my foot went numb to the ankle. Radiating pain that starts in the gluteus maximus, down to the quadricep, ending in the ankle. My neck also was hurting. Posting this message to let anyone who reading this that the pain is always there but in different degrees. Some days are better than other days.

Day 6: No pain meds

2019-06-16 Day 6 without pain meds. The day started with minimal pain. In the afternoon things started hurting. Usually the tingling in my big toe gets worse, spreads to the index toe, and the middle toe. Top of my foot goes numb to the angle. Radiating pain that starts in the gluteus maximus, down to the quadricep, ending in the ankle. My neck also was hurting. Used TENS  for some relief. LaCross ball for breaking up the fascia .

Day 5: No pain meds

2019-06-15 Day 5 without pain meds. Today started ok. Some days I wake up and think ā€œIā€™m fineā€. Today is a day like that.

Day 4: no pain meds

2019-06-14 Day 4 without pain meds. I said Iā€™d try to keep things positive. So Iā€™m positive not having anything to reduce the pain sucks! If you never had sciatica you do not really understand the constant unrelenting pain. Need to be off all pain meds for 7 days. 4 days down. 3 to go.

Herniated Disc

I am writing a series of blog post about my L5/S1 herniated disc and what I did to treat the problem. Itā€™s June 2019 but the injury occurred in January 2019. Iā€™ll be back dating the posts to show the timeline of events. I plan to make my posts a positive read. Doing my own research on herniated discs I found so many negative posts. Scary  posts on reddit  in r/backpain and r/ChronicPain Google searches filled with failed treatments, bad surgeries, extreme nerve pain Donā€™t now where this will go. Stay tuned for back dated posts.

Day 3: no pain meds

2019-06-13 Day 3 without pain meds

Day 2: no pain meds

2019-06-12 Day 2 without pain meds

2019-Jun Ansible devel branch and random hangs using winrm?

I am posting over at the An sible Project  Google Group. Upgraded ansible to  $ ansible --version ansible 2.9.0.dev0   config file = /Users/tanner/projects/ansible.git/playbooks.git/   configured module search path = [u'/Users/tanner/.ansible/plugins/modules', u'/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']   ansible python module location = /Users/tanner/projects/ansible.git/ansible/lib/ansible   executable location = /Users/tanner/projects/ansible.git/ansible/bin/ansible   python version = 2.7.10 (default, Feb 22 2019, 21:55:15) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.37.14)] And now random playbooks and tasks just hang in unusual places.  Before the upgrade of ansible this task worked as expected. - name: Install programs (choco) win_chocolatey:   name: "{{ item }}"   state: "present"   when:   - chocolatey_packages is defined   loop: "{{ chocolatey_packages|flatten(levels=1) }}" The abov...

Day 1: no pain meds šŸ˜µ

2019-06-11 Day 1 without pain meds 

Go Live with Django & Heroku

I was following Justin Mitchels blog post about Going Live with Django and Heroku I need to populate the database with a significant amount of data and Iā€™ve been using python loaddata --format json arch2json_all.json Installed 221994 object(s) from 1 fixture(s) In development with sqlite3 this works great. Switch to my production branch push things up to Heroku $ git push heroku master $ heroku run python makemigrations $ heroku run python migrate Run into problems when I try to load the fixture. $ heroku run bash $ python loaddata --format json arch2json_all.json django.db.utils.DataError: Problem installing fixture '/app/items/fixtures/arch2json_all.json': Could not load items.Monolithic(pk=None): value too long for type character varying(1024) Looking in the usual locations I find a couple potential answers. Could it be a  ...

S3 Static & Media Files for Django (more problems)

Trying to setup S3 for static files for my django project but only in Production mode. In local (development) mode I want to use local files. From one of Coding For Entrepreneurs django videos I got this python snippet to support a production environment and a local environment. settings/ from .base import * from .production import * try: from .local import * except: pass I followed the steps from the  C oding For Entrepreneurs  blog. I did steps #4 , #5 , #6 and I assume step #7 means to put the from <your-project>.aws.conf import * Into the settings/ ? And to leave it out of the settings/ ? Using the above settings/ on my local (development) environment the {% static %} template tag is replaced by S3 bucket url If I comment out the from .production import * from settings/ from .base import * #from .production import * try: from .local import * except: pass I get the STATIC...

S3 Static & Media Files for Django: Suspicious Operation: Attempted access to 'denied' while loading static files

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